Tuesday, 21 August 2012

EDF Energy crap out on their Blue Price Promise

Third instalment of putting adverts on notice 

I really didn’t want to do another blog post about a shit gimmick because I've only just ranted about the Argos Aliens, but EDF Energy have actually created a SHIT gimmick.... who made the decision to align their brand with what is effectively a turd with eyes?

If you haven’t seen the advert please do see EDF Energy Feel Better Energy TV advert on YouTube because seeing is believing!

Just a few observations:
  • 0:14 Seconds in. Even the cat can't understand why its owner is continuing to clean despite the fact someone has quite clearly taken a poo on the vacuum. The poor cat even goes to the length of moving its paw out of the way!
  • 0:27 Seconds in. It's watching the washing machine and do you want to know why? because at 0:18 it’s sat on a hot iron, for which the steam would obviously cause the poop to melt onto the clothes, rank!
  • 0:34 Seconds in. Words escape me...... a bloody bowel movement.... 
  • 0:36 Seconds in. Why is it watching an insect gyrate?
  • 0:40 Seconds in. The gyrating insect obviously got too much as the EDF poo now appears to be knocking one out to the poster...
  • 0:52 Seconds in. This poor tortured cat it can't even escape to the laundry room, they might as well just shoot a video of animals getting pelted with faeces.

Even the song Together In Electric Dreams by Human League that they have selected to play over the defecation has been a lazy selection with an obvious oversight in the connotations to toilet humour, yes it has electric in the lyrics but it also says:

"I only knew you for a while, I never saw your smile" 
Everyone takes a sneaky peek in the toilet before they flush, no one knows why they do and I am sure no one premeditates a look but they look none the less. So yes you only knew it for a while, but of course it didn’t smile, it might resemble the Loch Ness Monster after a particularly meaty dinner, but even that’s rare.
 "I don’t have to try, I just close my eyes, I close my eyes" 
We all have to try a little, but even if you don’t is that really something to brag about? I'm not sure if I close my eyes, I don't think I do, I'll do an experiment later.

The problem is that although I could go on making lots of reference about number 2's, this does actually highlight a problem in the corporate world. At some stage a meeting would have taken place at EDF headquarters where a marketing team and top execs all sat around to make the decision on how to brand their latest campaign, and I bet 80% of the people in that room sat there thinking "That looks like a poo with a eyes" but kept this opinion to themselves because obviously no one on their salary would know what poo looked like, let alone talk about it......

I'm sorry EDF but you need to go back to the drawing board and start again, unless of course you are being extremely clever and the fact you’re using a poo to brand your service is actually a subliminal message that you still provide a shit service

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