Second instalment of putting adverts on notice
I’d be quick to criticise a company who makes products for what are effectively body issues that we would all rather not discuss and then skirt around the issue, so from the outset the latest Canesten thrush cream advert that sees little red riding hood trying hard not to itch her snatch in public gets a green tick from me.
My problem however is that With the Internet part and parcel of our daily life do we need thrush adverts and similar thrus
As I have already said I do like the honesty of Canesten in their adverts and we have come a long way from the notorious tampon ads where the NON hormonal woman (1st lie) is the happiest she has ever been (2nd lie) because their product not only mops up sufficiently, but also transforms her into a go getter that simply cannot wait to play no end of sports that she probably got out of doing during her PE school days because of being "on" every single week. Those adverts were an abuse on all our intelligence and women should have staged a dirty protest until they became more honest. But I digress, thrush is apparently very common (thanks to Embarrassing Bodies for enlightening me on this fact in-between Dr Christian looking at an inverted penis and muffs so hairy they should be considered for Crufts) but do we need an advert on TV to inform people of the cures available in stores?
As a man who has not had thrush I wouldn't really have known for sure what the symptoms were without looking in to it, for which obviously I wouldn't have done unless I had it, so if I was at a pharmacy and a woman was buying Canesten cream then as far as I would of known she was tackling a nasty blister on her foot. But now thanks to these adverts I am no longer left with that pleasure of ignorance, noooo I get to know the poor cow wants nothing better than to stop talking and start itching her Irish Setter who won best in show 1999.
I know it's a competitive world out there and companies are fighting tooth and nail to stand out and be known, but if your product puts unsavoury images into my head are you not abusing your power? should you not be restricted to leaflets in doctors waiting rooms and to hire the best Google rankings expert you can get, at least that way when someone types in 'itchy bald man in a boat' Canesten thrush cream is within the top 3 results!
Maybe we need a specific channel that carries all these adverts and more, let the companies go wild, this way if you do wake up and find something isn’t quite right you can flick onto channel 782 (for example) and wait for an advert to appear which fits your symptoms with a recommendation of what might help.
Canesten you have come so far, but now it's time to lead the way in going away. Plus I am sure your see sales increase if people can ask for, and buy your products, safe in the knowledge that everyone else waiting in the queue just thinks you have a pretty aggressive blister.
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Itchy and Scratchy Thrush
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